Dear Miguel, Monserrath, Ismael, Julio, May be, through the four of you, cooperation between Ingeniería Integral del Agua S.A. de C.V and American Eco Systems, LLC (AES) can be initiated.
Dear Miguel, Monserrath, Ismael, Julio, May be, through the four of you, cooperation between Ingeniería Integral del Agua S.A. de C.V and American Eco Systems, LLC (AES) can be initiated.
— Australasian Resources has received the go ahead from the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for its Balmoral South Iron Ore …
— Mineralogy Pty Ltd, the owner of the Balmoral magnetite deposit since 1986, investigated various iron ore processing projects based on the Balmoral deposit throughout the 1990's and early 2000's before entering into substantial discussions and project due diligence with Chinese steel producers.
— Jupiter Mines' Mt Ida project—scrapped due to "depressed iron ore prices" Cape Lambert Resources' Pilbara magnetite project; and Australasian Resources' Balmoral South, near Sino Iron in Cape Preston—both currently residing in the "where are they now?" file ... which was eventually packed up and shipped off to India's Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.
The mine hosts an estimated 859Mt of probable ore reserves graded at 22.6% MagFe and 31.2% total Fe. The ore reserves indicate an increase of 26% following a drilling programme completed in 2008. Mineral resources at the mine include an indicated and inferred total of 1,605Mt, an …
— Palmer claims the West Australian government breached the Australia New Zealand Free Trade Area agreement by introducing amendments to a state agreement in 2020 that killed off an ongoing $30 ...
— The Balmoral Project will comprise an open cit mine capable of producing 80 mtpa of magnetite ore as well as processing facilities such as a crusher, concentrator and pellet plant.
Australasian Resources Ltd (Australasian)(ASX: ARH) is pleased to advise that the completion of the Feasibility Study report for its flagship Balmoral South Iron Ore Project is imminent and that Shougang has been actively supporting the Company's efforts to achieve this objective over the past month.
— Mr Palmer went to arbitration in 2012 after the Barnett government refused a development proposal for the Balmoral South iron ore project in the Pilbara. Former High Court judge Michael McHugh has ...
— The Balmoral South battle is headed for the High Court in June after the WA government introduced emergency legislation seeking to terminate what is says is a $30 billion claim over the stalled ...
— International Minerals has the right to mine 1 billion tonnes of magnetite iron ore from the Susan Palmer deposit within the "Southern Block" of the Balmoral resource …
— Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett has given the green light for Australasian Resources to develop its $2.7 billion Balmoral South iron ore project in …
— A judge has cleared the way for Chinese conglomerate CITIC to secure the rights to mine another billion tonnes of iron ore in WA, delivering Clive Palmer a massive …
Discover Magnetite Mines' flagship Razorback Iron Ore Project, poised to produce high-grade and DR-grade iron ore for low-carbon and zero-carbon steel production. Owned by ASX-listed Magnetite Mines Limited, the project boasts 2 billion tonnes of Probable Ore Reserves and 3.2 billion tonnes of Mineral Resources. Located near Adelaide with …
— Mr Palmer also warned business investment in WA would dry up if State Parliament passed the law, while casting doubt over the size of his claim against the Government over the Balmoral South iron ...
— The amounts outlined by Mr Palmer in documents dated May 28 include $US7.768 billion for the value of the project known as Balmoral South and another …
— In 2014, former High Court judge Michael McHugh found former premier Colin Barnett had not properly considered the proposal for the Balmoral South Iron Ore Project in 2012. Advertisement
Balmoral South Iron Ore Project and certain other matters Division 1 — Preliminary provisions 7. Terms used 5 8. Other preliminary provisions 18 Division 2 — Main provisions Subdivision 1 — Disputed matters 9. Proposals for Balmoral South Iron Ore Project 19 10. Relevant arbitrations and awards 19 11.
The Balmoral South Iron Ore Project (BSIOP) now has key environmental approval to mine up to 2 billion tonnes of magnetite iron ore at a rate of up to 80 Mtpa, and produce …
balmoral south project project environmental management plan appendix a pemp 081219 page 5 of 162 8. troglofauna management 58 8.1 context 58 8.2 potential sources and impacts 58 8.3 environmental management objectives 59 8.4 management actions 59 8.5 environmental targets and performance indicators 59 8.6 monitoring and corrective …
— He wants to pursue a $30 billion damages claim relating to his Balmoral South iron ore project The WA government says the claim could cripple the state's economy
The boom is most evident in Karnataka, which boasts nearly 40% of the India's ore reserves, mostly in the eastern Bellary-Hospet area. The India, Australia and UK offices of SRK are involved in more than 12 mining projects, from scoping studies and due diligence audits to brown field exploration and expansion.
Document Title: Balmoral South Iron Ore Project Public Environmental Review Document No: BSP-781-EN-REP-0001 Rev Code Issue Date Revision Description & Issued For Signatures Originator Reviewer Approved 0 December 08 EPA Final Submission Ian McCardle URS Ian Zlatnik IM Nick Jukes ...
{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"2022":{"items":[{"name":"1.html","path":"2022/1.html","contentType":"file"},{"name":"10.html","path":"2022/10 ...
Part 3 — Provisions relating to Balmoral South Iron Ore Project and certain other matters Division 1 — Preliminary provisions 7. Terms used 3 8. Other preliminary provisions 17 Division 2 — Main provisions Subdivision 1 — Disputed matters 9. Proposals for Balmoral South Iron Ore Project 18 10. Relevant arbitrations and awards 19 11.
The proposed mining area of the project is located within Mining Lease M47/1414 which covers an area of 82 km 2.The tenement is bordered to the south by the Hamersley Range, where extensive areas of supergene …
— The Balmoral South iron ore project was one of the flagships of the failed $3.4 billion float. Mineralogy holds the tenements, which contain an estimated 2.8 billion tonnes of magnetite iron ore.
— The Western Australian Government has given a conditional approval for Australasian Resources' Balmoral South iron ore project. The mine is expected to produce up to two billion tonnes of ...
— Shares in the Clive Palmer-controlled Australasian Resources were higher after the company secured final State Government environmental approval for its $2.7m Balmoral South iron ore project.
The extensive Balmoral deposit is reputedly the world's largest undeveloped magnetite resource which has the potential to host 60 – 100 billion tonnes of magnetic Banded Iron Formation. orelogy has been …